#225 Seasonal Affective Disorder with Dr Rupy Aujla
6th Dec 2023
Today I’m talking about SAD, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder. It’s surprisingly common and debilitating for millions of people in the UK alone, and frustratingly there is not too much known about the cause and a real lack of research.
SAD is also referred to as Winter Depression and may have similarities to depression in the way of symptoms, but it’s hard to determine whether there are similarities in the mechanism that drives the symptoms themselves.
Today I’ll talk about the proposed causes, evidence for diet and lifestyle interventions and what you can do today to help yourselves.
- https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/mental-health/mental-illnesses-and-mental-health-problems/seasonal-affective-disorder-(sad)
- https://greenbusinesslight.com/resources/lighting-lux-lumens-watts/
- https://examine.com/research-feed/study/7dx2K0/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7438823/
- https://examine.com/research-feed/study/1rrx51/
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