#59: How to Reverse Ageing (Part 3 of 4) The Female Ageing Brain with Dr Lisa
8th Jul 2020
Today’s podcast is with the wonderful Dr Lisa Mosconi, PhD, author of the brand new book “The XX Brain”
She is a board-certified integrative nutritionist and holistic healthcare practitioner and somebody who is championing better, more inclusive research that recognises the distinctiveness of the female brain for improved clinical outcomes. I loved her first book “Brain food”, and this new book is an incredible addition to her literary works and a way to empower women across the world to make more evidence based informed choices about their health and wellbeing with respects to brain health.
On Today’s podcast we talk about:
- The statistics regarding how women are far more likely than men to suffer from anxiety, depression, migraines, poor recovery from brain injuries, Autoimmune conditions like MS and Alzheimer's disease.
- What she refers to as Bikini Medicine
- Her personal Story of Alzheimer’s in her family
- What the ‘Women’s Brain initiative’ aims to achieve in science
- How women's brains age distinctly from men's
- The unique risks women face
- How memory lapses, depression, stress, insomnia and the increased risk of dementia are key issues during menopause that arise in the brain rather than the reproductive organs
- The key brain-protective hormone: Oestrogen
- Abandoning one size fits all medicine and embracing personalised medicine
- 8 steps to improving women’s brain health including: Diet, Stress reduction, Sleep, harnessing the power of the Microbiome, deciding if HRT therapy is for you, Environmental toxins and supplements
Definitely do check out Dr Lisa’s book - “The XX Brain” - which is a brilliant read and full of super interesting and helpful and easy to understand information.
Episode guests
Dr Lisa Mosconi, PhD, is the director of the Womens Brain Initiative and the associate director of the Alzheimers Prevention Clinic at Weill Cornell Medical College, where she serves as associate professor of Neuroscience in Neurology and Radiology. She also is an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry at NYU School of Medicine. Formerly she was the director of the Nutrition & Brain Fitness lab, and led the Family History of Alzheimers disease research program at the NYU Department of Psychiatry. She is a board-certified integrative nutritionist and holistic healthcare practitioner.
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