COVID19: From Inside ITU with Dr Attam Singh
8th Apr 2020
On the podcast today I welcome along Dr Attam Singh for another special episode relating to COVID-19.
Originally, Dr Singh was coming onto the podcast with me to talk about the use of CBD in healthcare. He is a clinical associate of the London Pain Clinic and a consultant in pain medicine. He qualified in qualified in anaesthesia before becoming professional trained as a Consultant in Pain Medicine.
We were going to talk about all things CBD related with Dr Attam - it’s use in pain, anxiety, what CBD is, where it comes from and what the legislation is. He is one of the only medical registered practitioners using CBD in these ways in clinic and would have been an ideal guest to share all of these insights with us - but we will definitely record another episode on this subject in the future.
Today however we are going to be talking with Dr Attam about COVID-19 and his experience thus far - including how he is one of the thousands of doctors who have been drafted straight into emergency rotas staffing intensive care units in the UK, looking after the sickest patients with COVID-19.
I would like to exercise some caution for anyone listening to this episode - the details certainly in the first part of the episode are directly from the front line and are very in depth, so if you are suffering from anxiety or overwhelm at this time, you may wish to listen to the second half of the episode where we talk about the optimistic outcomes and what we can learn from this pandemic going forward, or alternatively have a listen to another of our wonderful episodes.
We talk about the following in our episode today:
- The change in Dr Attam's role over the last few weeks
- His in depth front line ITU experience with COVID-19
- Current pressing issues regarding drugs and the oxygen supplies in the UK
- The current treatments for COVID-19
- Coping mechanisms for us all at this time
- The techniques that Dr Attam uses to remain calm in ITU
- Potential positives that can come from the current pandemic
- What we have to look forward to in the coming months
Episode guests
Dr Attam Singh MB BS, FRCA, FFPMRCA is a Clinical Associate of the London Pain Clinic.
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