BONUS EPISODE: Bread, Biking and Bliss with Roly Allen

23rd Nov 2020

Have you noticed the sourdough trend sweep through the globe during lockdown?

People have developed a new love of home cooking and slowed down sourdough is top of the menu. But Roly Allen’s story started before the pandemic.

After an exhausting couple of decades spent working, commuting, travelling and raising two children, Roly Allen baked his first sourdough loaf in his mid 40s because he’d been made redundant and needed a healthy pursuit while he got back on his feet. 

On the pod today Roly talks me through the process of baking and how sourdough saved his life. 

We chat about many things on the pod today but I highly encourage you to try a sourdough bake yourself. If not for the health of your body, then for the mindfulness benefits that bread baking can have.

And do check out Roly’s book - ‘How to Raise A Loaf’ - it’s super interesting and full of great advice and hints and tips for baking bread

Episode guests

Roly Allen

After an exhausting couple of decades spent working, commuting, travelling and raising two children, Roly Allen only baked his first sourdough loaf in his mid 40s because he’d been made redundant and needed a healthy pursuit while he got back on his feet.

He quickly made two discoveries: firstly, that home sourdough baking is really, really good for you; secondly, that there wasn’t a good book for beginners explaining how to do it. This book is the result.

Prior to that epiphany, he had worked in publishing for many years, but also been an English teacher, written a book about bikes, played bass in an indie band, and reviewed books for the TLS.

He lives in Hove, in the UK, with girlfriend, son and daughter, dog and two bicycles. As of the time of writing he doesn’t have a job, but at least he can bake bread   Photo Credit: Ida Riveros

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