#97 Emotional intelligence, Ego & Becoming Plant Powered with Dr Gemma Newman
14th Apr 2021
Today I had the pleasure of spending time chatting with my good friend Dr Gemma Newman. GP with over 17 years experience in medicine, whole food plant based advocate and now best selling author of the book “The Plant Power Doctor”.
I’ve known Gemma for a number of years and she is one of the most kind hearted and knowledgeable individuals, not only on the subject of nutrition but also on how to empathise and coach behaviour change with patients. She is a founding member and ambassador for PBHPUK, she has a specialist interest in holistic health, plant based nutrition and lifestyle medicine. Through her practice she has come to understand that body, mind and soul are not separate, and that it is only in addressing the root causes of stress and disconnection that we can truly heal, from the inside out.
Another passion of hers includes the promotion of no-till conservation agricultural techniques in order to bring health back to our soil and our farming systems, so as to allow healing of the ecosystems that sustain human life. Planetary health is inextricably linked to human health, and she has spoken on this topic to other health care professionals at a debate at Imperial College as well as during the Extinction Rebellion events.
Today we touch on a range of these subjects including:
- Gemma's journey to plant based eating
- Food prescriptions and how Gemma coaches patients
- BLEND IT - an acronym for behaviour change
- How hard GP life is
- Regenerative agriculture and the current 6th mass extinction event
- Ego and how to detach from one’s perception that the world revolves around them
- How Gemma overcame negative events on social media
Do check Gemma out on social media @planntpowerdoctor and her website gemmanewman.com which is full of fantastic free resources too along with Gemma’s book - The Plant Power Doctor which is a super read! All website and social media links are noted below.
- Access over 800 research backed recipes
- Personalise food for your unique health needs