#227 The Benefits of Eating with Friends with Dr Rupy Aujla, Sakina Okoko and Órfhlaith Noone
20th Dec 2023
When was the last time you sat down at a dinner table and shared a meal with friends over laughter and stories?
If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to remember a time in the last couple of days. And if you’re averse to the idea of going through the effort of having to find someone to share a meal with, research shows it has benefits!
Recent studies found that regularly eating with others is linked to feeling happier, more satisfied with life and trusting of others. For children and adolescents, frequent family meals were associated with better health outcomes. But why?
We’ll talk about the evidence based reasons for the health benefits of sharing food around a table, including the evolutionary link as an adaptive benefit from our hunter-gatherer ancestors to the psychological reasons as well as practical benefits!
I’ll certainly be eating with friends twice a week from now on! To talk about this topic I have researcher and science writer at Doctor’s Kitchen - Sakina Okoko as well as our food producer for the DK app - Órfhlaith Noone.
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