#250 Health Statistics Everyone Should Know with Dr Rupy Aujla
4th Jun 2024
Today I’m talking about statistics to do with food and health that everyone should know.
How much it costs us every year, where it sits on the list of the biggest contributors to ill health and death globally, what the impact of good food actually is and how bad people are currently eating according to current guidelines.
I don’t think many people appreciate these numbers. I get a lot of glossed looks whenever I talk about the impact of poor food on health outcomes, particularly with certain medical professionals. It’s often seen as an inevitability and the nonchalant nature in which we address the foundations of ill health is seen within these statistics. We all need to do better.
There is huge potential for improved health if we simply encourage and empower people to eat well everyday and that will have a knock on effect on productivity, wealth, happiness, relationships and so on. I don’t present this idea as a panacea, but just a huge tool in our aspiration for improving wellbeing.
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