#214 Should you eat tomatoes? With Dr Rupy

19th Sep 2023

Today we’re diving into the world of tomatoes, one of the most consumed ‘fruits’ globally with a rich heritage and mixed opinions on whether it’s healthful or harmful?

I’m always asked whether patients should be eating nightshade family ingredients, whether it can excerbate athritis symptoms, cause stomach acid and even IBS.

So today we’re going into the benefits of tomatoes, the compounds we find in them and how to get the most out of this nutrient rich ingredient with food pairings, processes and more!

If you love this kind of deep dive you’ll love the Seasonal Sunday’s newsletter that the team and I put together each week that dives into a seasonal ingredient, it’s history, nutritional medicine benefits and how to use it in the kitchen.

Episode guests

Dr Rupy Aujla
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