#153 Time Restricted Eating (TRE) with Professor Satchin Panda PhD
7th Jun 2022
Can when you eat be as important as what you eat? My next guest thinks so, and has spent his academic career studying the effects of circadian rhythm on everything from heart disease, exercise capacity, cognitive health and diabetes.
Satchin Panda, PhD is a Professor at The Salk Institute in La Jolla, California. His lab studies how circadian rhythm in metabolism is an integral part of metabolic health and longevity. In preclinical animal models he discovered that consuming all calories within a consistent 8-12 hours also known as Time-restricted feeding can sustain daily rhythms.
One of the commonest topics I’m asked about is whether TRE or eating within rigid windows is advisable, and so I was fortunate to spend some time with Dr Panda himself whose research I’ve been privy to for many years. Studies have shown that this practical tool can prevent or even reverse chronic diseases and increase lifespan and today you’ll learn about:
- What circadian rhythms are
- The biggest drivers to rhythm - eating, light, exercise
- Eating strategies for shift workers
- When is the best time of day for Exercise
- Whether grazing on food within a TRE window is advisable
- How we separate the effect of TRE from a calorie deficit
- The history of circadian science
- How we use mice to research circadian rhythms
- How disrupting rhythm causes diabetes - effects of time-restricted eating on glucose metabolism.
- Why giving your gut a rest is important
- The benefits of intermittent fasting to insulin, your gut, inflammation and fat breakdown
You can find my guest's book “The Circadian Diabetes Code” in all good book stores.
Episode guests
Satchidananda (Satchin) Panda, PhD is a professor at The Salk Institute
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