#94 Weight Series (Part 1 of 2). Why We Eat Too Much with Dr Andrew Jenkinson
24th Mar 2021
On the show today I’m delighted to welcome Dr Andrew Jenkinson, a consultant surgeon with a special interest in advanced laparoscopic, (or keyhole) surgery who treats bariatric patients.
He is part of an expert team developing advances in gastrointestinal surgery at University College Hospital and author of the book “Why We Eat Too Much”.
Obesity is a particular problem for the UK having the 6th highest prevalence of obesity where 26% of adults are classified as obese and it disproportionately affects both adults and children in lower socioeconomic groups. Because of the prevalence and the dire comorbidities associated with the condition, there is a strong public health incentive to find effective treatments and preventative measures. Yet the debate about obesity is shrouded with oversimplification a lack of appreciation of the foundations of how we got here as well as a lack of empathy for sufferers of this disease.
On the other hand, people whose interests are to protect the mental health of those who suffer with being overweight (whilst their intentions may be genuine) fail to appreciate the need for recognising that there is a problem which needs treatment.
This isn’t an episode geared toward fat shaming or pointing the finger at obese people (as commonly occurs in the media) in the same way previous episodes about eating for migraines, PCOS or IBD are not geared toward pointing the finger at those people for having those conditions. This is for general informational purposes only and to help everyone understand the mechanisms behind why some people struggle with weight vs others, cease the oversimplification of Calories in vs out and recognise the potential interventions before we have to entertain drastic measures such as bariatric surgery.
On the show today we talk about:
- How patient stories encouraged Andrew to dig deeper into the mechanisms behind obesity
- Why obesity is better defined as a disease and what that means for treatment
- NHS Obesity prejudice
- The interplay of genes, hormones, neurotransmitters in the likelihood of obesity
- Your BMR and weight set point and how to change it
- Leptin resistance, Insulin, Cortisol and mitochondrial function in obesity
- Why low calorie diets work .. and then don’t work
- The impact of COVID on his job and obese patients
- Poverty, the food environment and obesity
- Andrew's tips for weight loss
Do check out his book - Why We Eat (Too Much) - which is available now. Check out the end of the podcast for Andrew’s tips - and don’t forget to subscribe to The Doctor’s Kitchen newsletter for weekly science based recipes and tips to help you live the healthiest and happiest lifestyle possible.
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